Your Future Starts Here
You’ll find a collection of resources, tips, and strategies to help you gain clarity and confidence through life’s major academic and career transitions.
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Winter Break From College: Time to Recharge and Rev Up
The month between fall and spring semesters in college can be a little bit awkward for many college students. It’s a little too much time to completely goof off, but the options for productivity are limited. Take a look at my latest blog on making the most of your winter break from college.
Free Food: Work Perk or Boundaries Blur?
As a young professional, free employee lunch could be the key benefit to accepting a job offer. Anything that makes it easier to eat while managing living expenses and student loans is a huge perk. But does free always really mean free? Read my latest blog to consider the benefits of your workplace perks.
Ready for College: Update this Paperwork
Now that you’re into the homestretch of moving your child off to college, you may think that all the paperwork and signatures are behind you. Well…not so fast. Before you pack the car, it’s important to handle a few more paperwork tasks.
How Do You Choose a Career Based on Your Personality?
Have you ever taken a personality test to see what job you should be doing? It can be an eye-opening experience! Beyond education and skills, some personality types are simply better suited for a given profession. In my latest blog, I review some of the different personality attributes that will help you narrow down your ideal career choices.
How Do You Relate to Different Personality Types?
People who take time to learn about the way their own mind and emotions work often have an easier time setting and achieving goals. Self-knowledge helps us have better self-control when facing life’s challenges and successes. This self-knowledge is also important in building relationships.
How Do I Choose A College Major?
Among my high school student clients, choosing a college major is considered a serious milestone. This single decision will determine many of their plans for the next several years, and it may have a profound impact on the rest of their lives.
How Well Do You Know Your Personality Type?
The most successful people are generally very self-aware. They know what makes them tick, what they are good at, where they need to delegate, and what motivates them. That kind of self-knowledge is powerful!
Scholarship Applications: Connecting Your Story to Theirs
There are literally hundreds of millions of dollars available to students in the form of private scholarships, but it takes time and effort to apply. Read my latest blog for some tips to help you prepare successful scholarship applications.
Best Practices for Transferring to a New College
Whether the reason for the transfer is academic, social, or emotional, students need to beware that their problems could simply follow them to the new school. While preparing for a college transfer, students should take time to reflect on their experience and consider what they can do to make their fresh start a good one.
Is Transferring Colleges Right for You?
Transferring to a new college is a huge decision. Not only will it be expensive, but you could lose credits and have to extend your time in school. Transferring may or may not be the best course of action, but the only way to find out is to look critically at the issues driving this idea.
Study Abroad Lite: Study Away and Short Term Abroad Programs
If you’re intrigued by the idea of study abroad, but you’re not quite sure it will work with your personality, finances, or academic goals, other options are available. A study away program is an off-campus semester in the United States. A short term or summer abroad program still takes you out of the country, but not for a full academic semester.
Financial Aid for Families of Divorce
Divorced, or never-married, parents of college-bound students often wonder how financial aid will be determined. It’s common for families to ask me if one or both parents need to complete the financial aid applications, including FAFSA and CSS Profile. The answer is actually a bit more involved than one might expect so let’s walk through it.
College Work-Study Programs: More Than a Job
Many people confuse work-study programs with on-campus part-time jobs. While work-study may involve working in a campus role, there’s much more to it than that.
Job Search Strategies: Networking
Learning how to network is a crucial career skill, and the relationships you build through networking can open more doors than you ever imagined.
Study Abroad: Is It Right For Your College Experience?
Study abroad is often a once in a lifetime experience that students remember as a significant life event. Whatever your reasons for considering study abroad, there are several things you should think about before making the commitment.
Failure: Terrible Outcome or Opportunity to Learn and Grow?
When is the last time you failed at something? Did you try something similar again? How did it turn out? Have you ever allowed fear of failure to prevent you from something? I get it; I really do.
Master Your Remote Interview
Remote job interviews were a common occurrence long before 2020. In fact, they may be one of the few things that companies didn’t have to scramble to manage in the new way of doing business. Learn four tips to master your next virtual interview.
Career Exploration: Volunteering Counts
Volunteering, whether on the frontlines of an organization’s mission, or in a more administrative or research role, provides valuable work experience that may help you develop your career goals and interests. When looking for a volunteer opportunity, step outside your comfort zone.
Social Media Best Practices
It’s vital to remember that people are always watching your online life, have access to your online history, and will judge you based on what you present. Take stock of your social media habits and personality to make sure that you’re not causing yourself potential problems.
Welcome to Freshman Year of College
While finishing high school and getting into college was intense, it was all preparation to ensure that you gained the tools, confidence, and resources to excel in your college career. Now that you’re approaching this next phase of your exciting journey, it’s time to prepare once again.